About Dakota Harvest Farm

Welcome to Dakota Harvest Farm.  We take great pride in raising highquality, grass-fed lamb on  a 160 acre family farm located in southeast South Dakota. Both our cattle and sheep graze freely on grassland without ever knowing antibiotics or hormones.

We are                                                      -USDA inspected                                        -100% certified grass-fed by American Grassfed Association                        -Animal Welfare approved

Dakota Harvest Farms is home to both Dorper sheep and Dexter cattle. The Dorper breed produces prime lamb meat and are bred for meat quality, tenderness, and taste.

Dexter cattle are considered miniature cattle as their size remains relatively small. The use of multi-species grazing means our cattle live side by side with our sheep. By mixing species a more efficient use of land is possible.

Bob Corio, founder and owner of Dakota Harvest Farm, has been farming since 1972.  He became interested in raising Dorper sheep and Dexter cattle as he searched for a more healthful way of living for both himself and his farm.  “It makes good sense to allow animals to eat and live naturally,” Bob says.

Life is good on the farm.  Dakota Harvest happily invites in the public to see how our operations work.   Customers can witness firsthand the quality and humane treatment our animals receive.  Baby lambs make an appearance in spring and fall.  We also welcome educational groups looking for a field trip; preschool classes, elementary, and secondary students all learn experientially where their food comes from. Call to schedule a field trip or farm visit today!  605.966.5490

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